Located at the center of Zhejiang Province, China’s southeast coastal area, Yiwu enjoys a geographical advantage as it is 300 km away from China’s largest city Shanghai, and 200 km away from Ningbo Port. It covers an area of 1,105 km2, with a resident population of 1.24 million. Yiwu, a commercial city taking trade circulation as its economic major work, owns prosperous specialized markets and developed service industry. The proportion of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors stands at 2.6:41.6:55.8. The per capita GDP of Yiwu reached 16,952 US dollars. In March, 2011, Yiwu was approved as a national comprehensive reform pilot area by the State Council, making it listed as the 10th pilot area after Pudong New Area in Shanghai, Binhai New Area in Tianjin, and entrusting it the vital task of deepening reform and bringing out pilot programs in the field of international trade.